Nellaphant's Garden of Dreams


Nellaphant's Garden of Dreams

Once upon a time, in a charming little village, there lived a cheerful and kind-hearted elephant named Nellaphant. 
She loved spending her days exploring the wonders of nature with her best friends, Max the Monkey and Sara the Squirrel. 
Nellaphant had always dreamed of creating a beautiful garden where all her friends and family could gather and enjoy the beauty of nature.


One sunny afternoon, Nellaphant decided it was time to make her dream a reality. She gathered her friends and shared her idea of planting a magical garden filled with vibrant flowers and delicious fruits. 

Max and Sara were thrilled and eager to help. Together, they prepared the soil, planted the seeds, and watered the garden with care. 

However, days turned into weeks, and the seeds showed no signs of growing. Nellaphant began to feel discouraged. 

She had imagined a flourishing garden, but all she saw was bare soil.

Meet Friends

Seeing Nellaphant’s disappointment, Max and Sara decided to cheer her up. They took Nellaphant to visit their friends who had their own beautiful gardens. 

First, they visited Mr. Rabbit’s vegetable garden, then Mrs. Robin’s flower garden, and finally, old Mr. Tortoise’s herb garden.

 Each friend shared their own stories of how their gardens took time, patience, and care to grow. 

They reassured Nellaphant that nurturing a garden, just like nurturing dreams, takes time and effort. 

Big Day

With renewed hope and determination, Nellaphant returned to her garden. 

She continued to water the seeds, remove weeds, and ensure the garden received plenty of sunlight. 

Every day, she spent time talking to the seeds, encouraging them to grow. Max and Sara joined her, and their positive energy filled the garden with love and care. 

One morning, Nellaphant noticed tiny green sprouts emerging from the soil. Overjoyed, she called her friends, and they celebrated the first signs of growth.



As weeks passed, the sprouts grew into strong plants, and soon, colourful flowers and juicy fruits adorned Nellaphant’s garden.

 The hard work, patience, and nurturing had paid off. Nellaphant realised that just like her garden, dreams and goals require time, dedication, and perseverance to flourish. 

She was grateful for her friends’ support and the valuable lesson she had learned.


Nellaphant’s garden became the magical place she had always dreamed of. It was a gathering spot for all her friends and family, filled with laughter, joy, and the beauty of nature. 

Nellaphant knew that exploring and facing challenges was part of growing. With every new adventure, she looked forward to discovering more wonders and learning more about the world around her. 

And as she tended to her garden, she was reminded of the importance of nurturing dreams with patience and care.

Interactive Elements:

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Have you ever had a dream or goal that took a long time to achieve? What was it, and how did you feel when you finally achieved it?
  2. Think about a time when you worked hard for something. How did you stay motivated?
  3. What challenges have you faced when trying to achieve a goal, and how did you overcome them?
  4.  Reflect on any difficulties you encountered. What helped you get through them?
  5. How do you feel when you see the results of your hard work and patience?
  6.  Describe your emotions when you finally see the results of your hard work?
  7. Who are your friends or family members that support you in your dreams? How do they help you?
  8.  Think about the people who encourage and assist you. How do they make a difference in your journey?
  9. Why is it important to be patient and not give up on your dreams?
  10.  Consider the value of perseverance and how it helps you achieve your goals.


Draw a picture of this special place. Include as many details as you can to make it come to life.

Share Your Drawing and Story:

  • Once you have finished your drawing, share it with a friend or family member.
  • Tell them the story behind your special place. Why is it important to you? What makes it magical or exciting?
  • Talk about the courage it takes to explore new places and how adventures can lead to wonderful discoveries.

Enjoy creating and sharing your own garden of dreams!

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